Asbestos Surveys

Work Safe BC says …  “If you’re planning to demo or reno a home built before 1990, you need to take asbestos seriously. Found in more than 3,000 pre-1990s building materials, asbestos can be hiding in plain sight. Breathing in asbestos fibres can cause serious health problems, lung diseases, and cancer. So before work starts, identify any asbestos in your home and get it properly removed to ensure the health and safety of everyone working on your project.”

Asbestos Surveys  We provide asbestos testing, also known as asbestos surveys, for home owners, employers, contractors and property management groups. This is a critical first step prior to any asbestos removal work taking place. We inspect homes to identify asbestos containing materials ACM’s, collect samples to be analysed by an accredited lab and then provide a report (an inventory of hazardous materials). This is a necessary first step to determine if encapsulation or removal is required before any renovations, repairs, or demolition can occur. 
Taking samples yourself is not recommended, there will be a health risk to you and others in the home or  building if fibers are released. That’s where our trained professional surveyors can come into help. Before any demolision work can begin a survey must be done. If you’re planning to renovate or you just need our inspector to conduct a general walk-through in your home to confirm safety and recomend preventative measures.

DON’T RISK IT!   Call us to schedule a time. (604) 229-7706

Renovation Survey    Area specific testing and analysis of material samples to confirm the asbestos danger and outline appropriate handling and safety measures to allow renovations to proceed.                                                                                          Inspection fee = $100 + $45 per sample tested.

Demolition Survey    Provide testing data and reports to allow demolition to proceed and ensure construction waste will be accepted and properly disposed of properly at the various waste and recycling depots.                                                                         Inspection fee = $120 + $45 per sample tested.

Healthy Home Survey   Are you worried about the potential health hazards that lurk in your home. A complete visual “Healthy Home” inspection that includes not just asbestos but other hazardous materials such as mold, dust mites, VOC’s, toxic chemicals, electro magnetic radiation and pest Issues.  Complete with written report and photos.          Inspection fee = $290      Call us to schedule a time. (604) 229-7706

Real Estate – Pre-Purchase Asbestos Survey   Identify Asbestos Containing Materials ACM’s in a home before you purchase. We survey properties and provide a detailed hazard inventory.                                                                                                Inspection fee = $120 + $45 per sample tested.

Follow-up Safety Inspections and Testing / Residential Clearance inspection:  To confirm that the problems have been corrected and no danger remains. When the renovation is complete a visual inspection of the work area and air sample testing should be conducted to confirm a safe environment has been achieved prior to resumption of normal occupancy. This ensures that all asbestos waste has been removed and the area has been properly cleaned with no air bourn or visual evidence of dust and debris.  This asbestos clearance test is performed to demonstrate that the area is properly cleaned and it is safe for tenants to use the premises. The asbestos clearance level is established at 0.01 ff/cc (2015) . It is 10 fold lower than the exposure level. This test need to be performed once you completed the project and cleaned the area, but before your family starts to use the room.                                                                          Inspection fee = $195 + $75 per room tested.

DON’T RISK IT!   Call us to schedule a time. (604) 229-7706

If Asbestos is present and Air borne during construction or demolision, it can be extremely harmful and dangerous for the Lungs and potentially lead to Lung Cancer in the future.

We will give you a basic education as to what must be done to safely seal in / encapsulate or remove the hazard. We do not do removal / abatement as this is a stated conflict of interest / EPA and WCB.
We will refer you to other contractors who specialize in removal / abatement

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)   …states  “test sampling operations must be performed by qualified individuals completely independent of the abatement contractor to avoid possible conflict of interest.”

Beware:  Avoid Conflict of Interest

We do not do Asbestos Removal.   Abatement / Removal  of asbestos containing materials ACMs can be very expensive. Some Removal / Abatement contractors also do Asbestos Surveys / testing, however Work Safe BC, EPA and AHERA consider this a conflict of interest.  To make sure the survey / test results are fair it may be wise to hire a survey company that has no interest in the removal / abatement process.  If removal is required, make sure to get 2-3 quotes for removal to ensure you are getting the best value for your money.